
6 Articles
cassava production in kenya

Food Security: Kenya Kicks Off a National Cassava Revolution

Kenya is set to host the National Cassava Conference and Expo 2023 (NCCE) aimed at enhancing cassava production, productivity and value-addition.


Full-Scale Production Of Special Waru Begins Under Co-op Bank Backed Demo

Friday 30th June registered a key milestone for potato farmers in Kenya when players in the crop's value chain - The Potato Consortium...

smallholder potato development programme

Smallholder Potato Development Programme Launched

Smallholder Potato Development Programme formed the ‘Potato Consortium’ that brings together all companies that bring on board domain expertise in all matters potatoes


Couch Potato Policies a Big Let-Down To Smallholders and Consumers

The so-called potato shortage that impacted KFC in Kenya last month reveals less about supply issues, and more about the longstanding forces that hold back the...

A mushrooms farm. John Kuru, a former army officer, transformed his garage into a mushroom farm and says the amount of money he makes from the small space is incomparable with what he used to make from his 12-acre farm. www.businesstoday.co.ke

Farmers Earn Good Money From Leap of Faith in Mushrooms

Mushroom farming is one of the under-exploited sectors despite its benefits to consumers and the farmers

The report indicates that overall inflation declined to 6.5 percent in October 2021 from 6.9 percent in September, mainly due to lower fuel prices.

July inflation shoots up after inconsistent food prices

Sukuma wiki, beans and maize prices drop but housing and electricity costs push inflation to four month high