Chams Media Limited has this week launched a new TV show known as Kuigereka Ruraya, a vernacular program series that will be featuring...
BT Reporter1 Mins readIt will have exclusive rights for KRU's flagship competitions; Kenya Cup, Eric Shirley Shield, Rugby Super Series, National Sevens Circuit and the Safari...
MARTIN SIELE1 Mins readThere seems to be no end to the troubles bedeviling Mediamax as taxman now claims that despite employees filing returns, taxes have not...
BUSINESS TODAY2 Mins readAffected employees will be given one month's notice or alternatively paid one month' s salary in lieu of notice and severance pay at...
BT Reporter2 Mins readMediamax Network Ltd has diversified its stable with the launch of a new Mijikenda radio station. Msenangu FM, which has been testing its...
BT Reporter1 Mins readFormer Nation Media Group Weekend Editor Eric Obino has been hired by Mediamax Network Ltd, a media house associated with President Uhuru Kenyatta...
BT Reporter2 Mins read