The announcement, focused on pressing financial needs, was made at the second Ministerial Meeting of the School Meals Coalition Task Force, hosted by...
In a bold move underscoring its commitment to corporate social responsibility, Rockey Africa Limited has joined forces with the Jewell Souls Foundation to...
Despite an improved response to the 2017 East Africa drought when widespread famine was averted, the national and global responses have largely remained...
A fresh avocado in a meal increase satisfaction and significantly suppresses hunger in obese adults, a new study reveals. The research released by...
About one million people in the country are facing drought and hunger with two people reported dead of starvation in Turkana county with...
For the first time in over a decade, world hunger is on the rise, affecting 11% of the global population, according to recent...
Sources indicate Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Willy Bett said the government is not willing to extend the subsidy programme as the harvest season approaches
The government has launched a cheaper maize flour brand in the market which will sell at half the current retail price of Ksh150....