Betty Kyalo, a prominent figure in Kenya’s media industry, is facing a challenging situation as her beauty shop, Flair by Betty, is on...
STEVE WAMBUGUTo stay afloat, she has implemented a number of strategies. "The secret is always knowing how to have your comeback. For us, we...
BT ReporterBetty's announcement came shortly after launching her barbershop AfterShave by Flair at the close of January 2021. BK Closet is part of Betty's...
GETRUDE NJERIIn a conversation with Business Today on Wednesday, January 27, she described the moment as a huge milestone
MARTIN SIELEThis is yet another milestone since Ms Kaittany went it alone after ditching her long-term friend cum business partner Betty Kyalo.
BT CorrespondentIn a post on her Instagram page, its owner, Susan Kaittany, announced the doors to the salon along Lenana Road in Nairobi is...
BT CorrespondentThe KTN News anchor was originally a co-owner of the salon located along Lenana Road but left after differing with her friend Susan...
BT Correspondent