The permanent bench of the Co̩urt of Appeal in Nairobi on Tuesday rejected to approve the license of embattled televangelist Pastor Ezekiel’s Newlife...
The Court of Appeal on 17th January 2023 declined to issue stay orders against the High Court ruling that granted the Kirima estate...
The Court of Appéal has temporarily upheld the High Court ruling of 4th April, 2022 that locked out Sarrai Group from Mumias Sugar...
The issue of whether matrimonial property should be split equally is also pending determination at the Supreme Court.
In 2018, the High Court gave Barclays Bank of Kenya (now Absa Kenya) 30 days to pay 105 senior managers it had retrenched.
Stay of execution issued in favour of KRA pending taxman's intended appeal
The move by The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) to award the tender to British firm had been contested at the High Court...
The Deputy Chief Justice had earlier been arrested at the Supreme Court
The Industrial Court had February this year awarded close to Sh1 billion in compensation to more than 190 employees for wrongful termination