Buzeki started his career as regional dairy sales manager for Kilifi Plantations, which was owned by his brother in law, a white man....
KALU MENGOThe richer you are the further you go away from your business (the more you disassociate self from the business) but the poorer...
BT Correspondent[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s the Chinese proverb goes: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and...
BUSINESS TODAYDespite having studied abroad, Maryann Musangi came back to spend most her time in the country, as well as doing business with Kenyans.
FRANCIS MULINicholas Biwott, until his death was among the richest men in Kenya. He was listed 14th richest man few years ago, but those...
BT Reporter