Some 22M shares valued at Ksh676M were traded in 1,666 deals, up from 15.1M shares that were valued at Ksh551M posted yesterday, as stocks continued to find new positions with majority of the companies having released their financial results for 2017. The NSE 20 Share Index was down 30.73 points to stand at 3770.92. All Share Index (NASI) shed 2.82 points or 1.49% to settle at 186.85. The NSE 25 Share Index shaved off 60.92 points or 1.24% to settle at 4856.92.
The Banking Sector traded shares worth Ksh285M and accounted for 42.16% of the day’s traded value. Equity Group Holdings had 1.6M shares valued at Ksh87M transacted at between Ksh53.00 and Ksh55.50. KCB Group unchanged at Ksh51.50 moved 1.3M shares valued at Ksh66M. Co-op Bank down 2.32% to Ksh18.95 moved 2.6M shares worth Ksh50.8M.
The Construction & Allied Sector had shares worth Ksh3.9M transacted and represented 0.59% of the day’s traded value. Bamburi Cement moved 20,000 shares valued at Ksh3.6M at between Ksh175.00 and Kes.176.00.
The Insurance Sector had shares worth Ksh9.3M transacted and represented 1.38% of the day’s traded value. Britam Holdings closed 1.16% higher to Ksh13.05 moving 240,000 shares valued at Ksh3M.
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The Investment Sector had shares worth Ksh4M transacted and represented 0.61% of the day’s traded value. Centum exchanged 77,000 shares valued at Ksh3.3M at between Ksh42.50 and Ksh43.25.
The Manufacturing & Allied Sector had shares worth Ksh13.8M transacted and represented 2.05% of the day’s traded value. E.A Breweries saw 47,000 shares valued at Ksh11.9M changing hands at between Ksh251.00 and Ksh253.00.
Safaricom was the day’s main feature with 11.8M shares valued at Ksh351M changing hands at between Ksh29.50 and Ksh30.50; this represented 51.96% of the day’s traded value.
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