Quest suspends live coverage after suspected explosives sent to CNN

CNN Business Anchor Richard Quest.

CNN business anchor Richard Quest has suspended special live coverage of events in Kenya following Wednesday’s incidents in the US where suspected explosive devices were sent to top Democrats including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, as well as CNN.

Wednesday’s incident two days after a pipe bomb was found at the home of liberal philanthropist and financier George Soros in the suburbs of New York City.

CNN’s New York office was evacuated on Wednesday morning after a suspected bomb was sent to their mailroom.

In a tweet, Quest said the special live broadcast of his popular programme, Quest Means Business, which was to air ahead of Kenya Airway’s inaugural flight to New York on October 28 will be rescheduled.

President Donald Trump said that the threats “have no place in America”.

Speaking at the White House, Mr Trump said that he has been briefed by the FBI and “a major federal investigation is now under way”.

“The safety of the American people is my highest and absolute priority,” he said.

“In these times we just have to unify. We need to come together and send one very clear unmistakable message that threats or acts of political violence of any kind have no place in America.”

There were varied reactions from Kenyans on Twitter with some saying his explanation did not hold water since “there are no explosives in Kenya.

However, others said his reasons were plausible. During the programme, Quest was to interview former Safaricom CEO Michael Joseph on the telco’s 18-year journey.

  • Additional reporting by BBC. 
Written by
BT Reporter -

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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