Samsung Electronics has launched its 2017 flagship range of QLED TVs that promise improved home entertainment and consumption of digital content.
The new series comes in Q7 and Q8, which are available in both flat and curved models. Using the Quantum Dot technology, the TV offers high picture quality. The technology replicates a wide colour spectrum with 100% colour volume, giving a real life feel.
When it comes to contrast, the QLED TVs let the user enjoy deep blacks and brilliant whites through a combination of an innovative reflection-dampening screen that disperses and absorbs ambient light, employing the latest technology in Q HDR. This also minimizes eye strain for a comfortable viewing experience.
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The design can fit into any home set-up irrespective of the interior make-up. This is made possible by ensuring that there is no clutter around the device as all the cables from different connections are combined into one optic cable with no unsightly wires.
“We are bringing to you a device that is set to make your life comfortable even as we improve on the quality of entertainment you get,” said Samsung head of consumer electronics division Charles Kimari. “You will be able to use one remote control for all your devices, from set-top boxes to game console and everything else, and to access the content you want anytime.”
Unlike conventional TVs, the QLED series has greatly improved the mobile compatibility that unites the devices. It is also easy to install using the no gap wall-mount making it appear like a hanging picture frame.
It works quite well for me