Media networks sucked into US- China trade war

Fox News Anchor Trish Regan (left) and CGTN News Presenter Liu Xin during the Wednesday interview. The two openly sided with their governments' trade decisions during the broadcast

Chinese and American media are now taking sides with the two world largest economies stuck in a trade tiff accelerated by the decision by the United States to ban telecommunications giant Huawei from selling it’s products from its market over allegations of being a threat to national security.

On Wednesday, Fox News Presenter Trish Regan and China Global Television Network (CGTN) news anchor Liu Xin openly differed over key trade policies during a live debate broadcasted by the American network.

During the show, Regan appeared to irk Ms Liu by suggesting that her counterpart was privy to insider information since she is allegedly a member of the ruling Chinese Communist Party.

The debate was timely as it came on the back of increased efforts by the Chinese media to rein in on the narrative being driven by the Americans through sending messages stating that Beijing will not bow down to pressure from Washington.

Ms Liu maintaned that if the two countries are to end the tiff, both countries ought to lift the tariffs together.

“I think that would be a wonderful idea, don’t you think? For American consumers products from China would be even cheaper, and for consumers in China products from America would so much cheaper too.” posed Liu.

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The Chinese presenter was categorical that a trade war is not in the interests of the two countries citizens adding that it would be better if both governments worked to solve the impasse.

Wednesday’s debate was set up following Regan’s hardline stance broadcasted on her show that the American government had no option but to wage a trade war against China due to the country’s alleged preference for underhand methods.

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Regan even went ahead to invite Chinese media to the debate following a heated twitter exchange with Liu which quickly became the talk of Chinese social media with Chinese citizens backing Liu.

Initially, CGTN was expected to broadcast the debate but opted not to since Fox held the copyright.

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