Longer use of smartphones increase obesity risks

A man using a smart phone. Many Kenyans order goods and services online on various eCommerce platforms.
A man using a smart phone. Many Kenyans order goods and services online on various eCommerce platforms.

Using a smartphone for five or more hours in a day increases the risk of obesity by 43 percent, a new study has revealed.

The research conducted by American College of Cardiology further showed that using the device for longer periods leads to a decrease in physical activity thus the user were more likely to have other lifestyle habits that increase the risk of heart disease.

The researchers analyzed 1060 students of the Health Sciences Faculty at the Simón Bolívar University during June to December 2018. The study group consisted of 700 women and 360 men.

With an average age of 19 years and 20 years respectively. Participating men were 36.1 percent likely to be overweight and 42.6 percent likely to be obese. Women were 63.9 percent likely to be overweight and 57.4 percent likely to be obese.

The researchers found the risk of obesity increased by 43 percent if a smartphone was used five or more hours a day as the participants were twice as likely to drink more sugary drinks, fast food, sweets, snacks and have decreased physical activity. Twenty-six percent of the subjects who were overweight and 4.6 percent who were obese spent more than five hours using their device.

{ Read: Sugary drinks increase cancer risk }

“Spending too much time in front of the Smartphone facilitates sedentary behaviors, reduces the time of physical activity, which increases the risk of premature death, diabetes, heart disease, different types of cancer, joints and bones discomfort and musculoskeletal symptoms,” said Mirary Mantilla-Morrón, the lead author of the study.

“The results of this study allow us to highlight one of the main causes of physical obesity, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. We have also determined that the amount of time in which a person is exposed to the use of technologies specifically prolonged cell phone use is associated with the development of obesity,” added Mantilla-Morrón.

Written by
Brenda Gamonde -

Brenda Gamonde is reporter with Business Today. Email: brendagamonde@gmail.com

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