Laura Walubengo back at Capital FM


Celebrated media personality Laura Walubengo, who used to cause a sensation while reading news on Capital FM Radio thanks to her baritone voice, is back on the airwaves.

Laura, who left Lonrho House  for South African firm, MultiChoice in 2014 where she secured a job as the Lead Digital Communications Specialist East Africa for DStv based in Kenya, returned to the Chris Kirubi-owned media house on Thursday, according to its Editorial Director Michael Mumo. 

Apart from presenting news, Laura, who started her career at national broadcaster, the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), also served as a sports presenter and the Senior Editor (Lifestyle). 

In the latter role, ran and managed one of the newest portals on Capital Digital Media, the Capital Lifestyle, where she did multiple articles on  entertainment, music, movies, relationships, technology, arts, cars, food, travel, fashion and events.

The humorous Laura’s  strong commanding masculine-like voice, oratory skills and intelligent delivery at prime time made many Nairobians to book a date with her. 


With her return from MultiChoice Kenya to the microphone, it remains to seen is whether she still has a mojo and where her voice ( I am Laura Walubengoo) will still connect her with today’s urbanites. 

A child of two different worlds, Laura was brought up in India, where before finally relocating to Kenya with her family. She believes in God, karma, love and a good laugh, according to a past interview.

Her journalism career appears to have been inborn. In another interview, she revealed how her siblings hated her because she always reported their mischievous ways to her parents. She was also good in English from an early age.

“My dad liked the fact that I liked English and had good grades. My mother used to encourage me while acting in plays, on sports day and in musicals. She always told me I started reading way before other children my age. My siblings hated it when I reported them and I did that a lot. It always angered them. They could never get back at me because my parents wouldn’t let them touch me. There’s only two of my siblings, Audrey and Morgan, that I never used to report,” she told Hapa Kenya online site.

Her father was proud when she joined the journalism industry and even used to visit her while at KBC.

On her blog, Laura Walubengo says her special interests are movies, books, travel, food, humanity, political inclusion and just life in general.

Before joining media, she was a sales executive for the Friendship Company where she used to, among others, sell Christian music and videos.

Written by

Cavin Odhiambo is a reporter with Business Today. He has passion in dealing with socio-economic and political matters . You can reach him on [email protected]

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