Kenya to host regional open governance meeting


Kenya will host the first Africa regional meeting for Open Government Partnership on the 29th to 30th May at the Serena beach Hotel in Mombasa. Open Government Partnership focuses on collaboration with civil society, private sector and citizen participation.

Top on the agenda will be the issue of citizen participation in public resource management, which is a new concept for Kenya as it embraces the devolved government system. Participants will also discuss open contracting, which focuses on norms and practices for increased disclosure and participation in public contracting.

The issue of open budgeting and how the public participates in government budgets will also be explored. Many African governments do not provide a platform where their citizens can easily access information. Members will also discuss the media’s role in increasing public integrity.

In attendance will be senior civil servants from OGP and Non-OGP member states in Africa, senior officials representing OGP member states from other regions, civil society organizations that promote transparency and accountability, public sector partners in delivering OGP goals including ICT companies, academia and researchers in governance and policy, multilateral institutions that wish to partner with the OGP, leading private sector thought leaders and leaders in the media industry from across Africa.

“The government is intent on incorporating information and communications technology in the Mining ministry to enhance public accountability,” said Dr Bitange Ndemo, the Information PS. Dr Ndemo said technology has played a key role in enhancing business transactions in the country and incorporating it in the mining industry would help the public keep tabs on what is happening there.

Kenya joined the Open Government Partnership in 2011 and has an open Governance Partnership that focuses on three grand challenges, which include improving public service, increasing public integrity and effective management of public resources.

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