Investor wealth drops to Sh2.26 trillion at the NSE

New Generation Currency Notes
New Generation Currency Notes [Photo/Luke Mulunda]

Market capitalisation at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) dropped to Ksh2.26 trillion on the week opening July 15.

The previous trading session at the bourse last Friday had seen investor wealth settle at Ksh2.8 trillion.

NSE turnover shed over Ksh300 million at closing bell on Monday, registering a total of Ksh207 million as against Ksh526 million from the previous session.

Despite the dip in turnover value, the NSE posted improved volume share activity, as 12.9 million shares were transacted as against the previous 10.9 million shares.

The Bond market meanwhile had bonds worth Ksh5.9 billion transacted. Last Friday’s value stood at Ksh2.7 billion. The upsurge was also accompanied by an increase in the number of deals in the bond market from 81 to 127.

At the sectors, banks and the only listed telco continued to dominate even as the indices registered mixed performance.

  • All Share Index NASI shed 0.78 points to stand at 148.95.
  • NSE 20 share Index was up 5.71 points to stand at 2683.62.
  • NSE 25 Share index dropped 18.79 points to settle at 3608.74.

NSE Sectors

The Banking Sector had shares worth Ksh123.8 million transacted which accounted for 59.68% of the day’s traded value.

Co-operative Bank was the day’s biggest mover with 9.2 million shares valued at Ksh112 million. The lender’s sharer changed hands at between Ksh12 and Ksh12.30.

Equity Group Holdings closed the day 1.60% lower to Ksh39.90, moving 118,000 shares valued at Ksh4.7 million. KCB Group was up 20cents to Ksh39.45 and moved 99,000 shares worth Ksh3.9 million.

The Investment sector had shares worth Ksh1.2 million traded and accounted for 0.59% of the day’s traded value.

Centum traded 35,000 shares worth Ksh1.1 million at a fairly stable price of Ksh33.05.

The Manufacturing and Allied sector had shares worth Ksh1.7 million traded and accounted for 0.84% of the day’s traded value.

E.A Breweries moved 7,000 shares worth Ksh1.5 million and closed at Ksh199.50.

In the Telecommunication sector, Safaricom moved 2.8 million shares valued at Ksh77.8 million at between Ksh27.25 and Ksh27.75. This represented 37.51% of the day’s traded value.

[See Also: Blow to Capital FM as Somoina Kimojino heads to Homeboyz Radio]

Written by
Mike Njoroge -

Mike Njoroge is the founder of Daystar Oracle and FootballTriangle. He is passionate about news, religion and sports. He can be reached at: [email protected]

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