We were all created differently. No one person is like another. Our thinking, our ways of life, our behavior and everything we do is all different and is influenced by what is called personality.
Even our DNA is different. That is why experts say it is 99.99% accurate. It can never be 100%. Even disinfectants kill only “99.99%” of germs! Not 100%. So you see 100% is hard to come by. In the same way, they say ‘No one is perfect’ and you can’t please everybody lest you die trying.
When Enough is Enough
When is it okay for one to decide to put him/herself first in life? In most cases, we find ourselves putting other people way before ourselves. Looking for ways of pleasing people at our own expense.
When is it okay to say enough is enough and put youself first?’ I have seen many young people end up in a wave of destruction just because they have no ounce of courage to stand up for themselves and to speak for themselves.
They will take a puff just because the leader of the gang said so. And that is how they unceremoniously join the ring of the drug world unknowingly. Just because they were seeking for acceptance.
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Do not be a ‘yes’ and ‘okay’ person if what is involved goes against your morals and principles.That’s how other people are languishing behind bars. They wanted to please the manager and signed cheques worth millions of money just because they were ordered to do so.
Never say ‘yes’ when all you want to do from deep down is to yell ‘no’. No matter what you do, you can never gratify everybody’s wishes.
A People Pleaser, For who?
In most cases, we are afraid of saying ‘no’ for fear of alienation and how we will be labeled as outsiders. But the one fact in life is nobody cares about you. If you do not speak for yourself then nobody will. If people are overworking you because you are that quiet and pliable person, for how long will you let it go on?
If people are copying your well-researched assignments just because you are agreeable, when will you ever gather the courage to tell them to stop being lazy and do their own assignments?
Put value to your name and, most importantly, do what pleases you.
That boyfriend/girlfriend who treats you like trash because you are a good Christian girl/boy who is gullible, when do you plan to put your foot down and say enough is enough? That nosy salonist who is always deciding on the best hairstyle or haircut for you, when will you say enough is enough?
The world is a bad place because of the good people who choose not to speak out the evil done against them.Then the evil doers end up having a field day taking advantage of you.For how long will you let that go on for?
Put Yourself First
Life is too short to let people take you for a ride. The one thing about people is no matter what you do to please them they will always find fault in you. You will die trying to please people who never give a damn about you.
Never let people use you then spit you out like sugarcane bagasse. Put value to your name and, most importantly, do what pleases you. Never make anybody a priority for they sure will never put you first. Never let anyone ride on your star, if you can’t fit it, then Stand out.
They rejected Jesus Christ and persecuted him with no sin at all. They will ride on your fame and at the end they dump you like a bag of shit. So no matter what you do, be yourself and put yourself first. Nobody but God cares about you.
Even for those who claim to love you, you will be surprised to know what they say about you behind your back. Let nobody determine what you do as long as you know what you are doing is right. Never let anybody dim your light. Let it shine so bright like a diamond that it will blind them for life.
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