False: This Facebook Account Is Not Owned By CS Aden Duale

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A Facebook account bearing the name of Cabinet Secretary for Defence Aden Duale is neither owned by the government official nor is it operated by him.

The account, with 239 friends, has been posting information insinuating that it is from the cabinet secretary, aimed at duping the public.

In one of the posts, the account promised that the government would soon do a recruitment, insinuating recruitment of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF).

“We are going to do the recruitment very soon,” the account captioned an image with unidentified men with gųns.

Aden Duale facebook
A snippet of the fake Facebook account

According to the Directorate of Crįminal Investigations, the account, among others, is operated by crimįnals who have been impersonating members of the first family, the deputy president, the chief justice and other senior government officials.

The DCI attached screenshots of several social media accounts, pages and groups warning the public that “all the accounts attached below are FAKE”.

“The crooks who have opened multiple Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts have obtained hundreds of thousands of shillings from unsuspecting Kenyans, who are duped into believing that the owners of the accounts will assist them secure financial assistance, jobs, among other favours,” the DCI posted on Twitter.

Duale’s Facebook and Twitter pages are verified and have been used lately as his main channel of communication where he shares official information.

In the verified pages, Duale has not shared any information about upcoming recruitment in the Kenya Defence Forces.

The DCI warned members of the public from being duped by people using such pseudo accounts, who obtain money by false pretences.

“Kenyans are advised to be wary of such social media accounts and are cautioned not to send money to anyone in order to influence favours,” DCI said.

The Facebook account is therefore not owned or operated by CS Aden Duale.

This fact-check was produced by BUSINESS TODAY with support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck, African Fact Checking Alliance network and the United Nations Development Programme.

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>>> False: This Photo Does Not Show Mt Kenya Residents Queuing For Relief Food

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