Bamburi Cement Limited, has embarked on a rigorous mission to sensitize construction engineers, contractors, developers, quantity surveyors and architects on the value of using quality construction materials especially cement and concrete products, with reference to the latest contemporary standards.
While speaking during the opening of the two day workshop dubbed: Professionals’ Concrete Forum, Hussein Mansi, CEO and MD, Bamburi Cement Limited noted that long-term benefit and value of using high quality products was often overlooked by builders across the country and that general professionalism was lacking. “Most of the contractors do not take note of the performance attributes of cement and concrete products they buy but rather focus on price of the product which does not always give them value especially when constructing robust structures,” he said.
The sensitization comes amidst incessant challenges in the sector as buildings collapse due to poor workmanship and use of sub-standard construction materials that have not only injured but resulted fatalities. He said the company had a responsibility to ensure that the construction industry not only observed quality controls and standards but upheld and enhanced proffesionalism.
“Bamburi is not only a cement manufacturing company but a construction solutions provider, we have the responsibility of ensuring that the construction industry observes the acceptable standards to ensure buildings are constructed the right way.” The Company was also raising awareness on its recently launched products PowerMax Cement and Bamburi Ready Mix Concrete (freshly mixed concrete delivered to sites in transit truck mixers) PowerMax Cement is a high strength product designed to be used in bridges, silos, dams, and any fast moving multi-storey projects.
Speaking on the benefits of Bamburi Ready Mix Concrete the Company’s Quality expert Mr. Sakwa said “Because of our computerised production process of concrete, human error has been eliminated and product quality is assured.” He further explained that “Bamburi Ready Mix Concrete is the way to go since it one saves on time, reduces cost, minimises wastage of material and eliminates the need for stockpiling.”
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