Annah Mutheu, a 39-year-old school dropout lives in a Ksh 40 million house in Kangundo but insists her wealthy comes from various business...
This is the best time you can build the foundation of good habits that will help you mold your character and make the most...
In just a year, the company has transited from visa processing and student placement to a fully fledged fintech enterprise
According to a survey by Ipsos Synovate, newspapers lost readership from 2% in May 2017 to a mere 1% in March 2018
The launch comes with a double data offer to all customers who have a 4G handset and 4G SIM card
Before you think of investing in any business, it is important to understand the fact that investment is a long term strategy and...
Paul Muigai, who has been acting, is expected to build the company’s existing strengths for future sustainability and growth
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hile working for an insurer for nearly four years, Kenneth Kioko got very concerned at how clients faced challenges in assessing insurance products....