Mediamax unveils Mijikenda radio station

Msenangu FM station, which now becomes the sixth radio station in the Mediamax stable, will broadcast from Mombasa and will cover the six counties in the region.

Mediamax Network Ltd has diversified its stable with the launch of a new Mijikenda radio station. Msenangu FM,  which has been  testing its signals for the last two weeks ago, went live on Monday amid pomp and splendour. 

The FM station, which now becomes the sixth radio station in the Mediamax stable, will broadcast from Mombasa and will cover the six counties in the region.

Msenangu FM head Teddy Nyae said he was excited by the overwhelming support from listeners,  adding that the station would revolutionise radio entertainment in the region.

Among big names that will rock Msenangu airwaves, most of whom were poached from other stations mainly Kwale-based Kaya FM, include Gunga Kitsao (Pyukapyu wa Pyukupyu), Sister Shaniez (Anti-Virus), Fatuma Mwangala (Toto Bomba), Bahati Ngazi  (Mtoto Rangi Ya Pesa), Gaspary Tumaini (Kabatha Kalume), Josephine Medza (Goma Ra Kanani), Ian Mtoti Mgalla  (I Double M) and Teddy Mwanamgambo.

Earlier, there was confusion over the  name of the station, formerly known as PiliPili FM, with most people being duped that it will be known as Asena FM. But this appears to have been part of Mediamax’s relaunch strategy. The station will be based at the Texas Towers in Nyali.

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Mediamax Head of Radio Joyce Gituro said the station would offer a platform for the Mijikenda people to tell their story in their own language.

Earlier fears that non-Mijikenda speaking staffers will be rendered redundant evaporated after the station opted to broadcast in Swahili in addition to local dialects.

Written by
BT Reporter -

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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