Use these six tips to get ahead in your career

The beginning point in cultivating self-confidence is to hold a positive self-image when relating to superiors and fellow employees.

Occasionally, some employees complain of mark-timing in the same job for over five years while their college-mates or colleagues climb up the corporate ladder. The employees coin clever excuses to justify the stagnation in career progression. Little do they appreciate that their college-mates have outsmarted them on some of the following job related attributes and skills.

Building Trust with Seniors: One of the ways in which an employee can build trust with seniors is to not only take each work assignment seriously but also to complete it satisfactorily. An employee who appreciates positive feedback and relishes constructive criticism is bound to entertain the ear of his or her boss.

Although corporate values are displayed on the wall at the reception desk of most organizations, employees who live the values can attract the attention of management. Bosses are drawn to employees who provide more solutions than problems on work-related assignments.

Learning from Mistakes: At the workplace many employees make mistakes that may not necessarily reflect on their competence. The mistakes should be turned out as lessons on what does not work. Hence, mistakes become a great source of learning so long as the same mistakes are not repeated.

Writing Persuasively: Besides the explosion of social media platforms, much of the business world is about all forms of communication. Employees who write good letters, emails and proposals stand out from the rest. Bosses judge staff members on their ability to write not only in a persuasive manner but also use correct grammar not to mention excluding “sheng”.

Planning Work on Priorities: Employees who do not plan work based on corporate priorities invite uncalled for reprimands from seniors. Chinese are known to spend a lot of time on work planning which they regard as half of the actual work to be done.

Effective employees size up their tasks to determine the time they may take before tackling each task at a time. When work performance evaluations are undertaken, such employees stand a high chance of obtaining high ratings.

Excavating Required Information: The advent of various search engines in the internet world has provided many opportunities for excavating useful information for decision making. However, the available information overload requires proper sifting techniques to fish out relevant information for better task execution.

Exuding Self-Confident: Whether it is a social or business setting, people are naturally magnetized towards those that exude self-confidence in appearance and reality. The beginning point in cultivating self-confidence is to hold a positive self-image when relating to superiors and fellow employees.

In cases of work setbacks that could dent self-confidence, an employee should rise up and start all over again. By vowing to always keep trying, the employee can make progress that will gradually elevate their self-confidence.

In juggling the factors that influence one’s ability to ascend on the corporate ladder, employees should develop and uphold a winning attitude.

Samson Osero is a Human Resources Development  Consultant. Email: [email protected]

[ See Also: Take control and get the job: How to come tops in any interview ]

Written by

Samson Osero is Human Resource Development Consultant and Author of 'Transition into Retirement'. My personal email is: [email protected]


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