A 31-year-old women from Nakuru is the latest winner in the SportSpesa lottery after pocketing last week’s jackpot prize money of Ksh 27,246,319. The betting firm announced Violet Wandaho Gathu, who it said was a “retired” banker, as the lucky punter, two weeks after Gordon Ogada, who hails from Kibera, Nairobi pocked Ksh 230.7 million in the latest SportPesa golden jackpot.
“Voila! ? Violet, 31-year old retired banker from Nakuru, is the winner of last week’s #SportPesaJackpot who walked away with Kshs. 27,246,319 ?. More to follow,” the betting company said in a statement.
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Speaking when presenting the prize money, SportPesa CEO Ronald Karauri said the mega jackpot offering represents the betting company’s will to change people’s lives and shows commitment to local customers who have been a pillar of support to its business.
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