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Govt to shut down websites ahead of elections

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The Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) has called upon all media houses in the country to furnish the Authority with the names of their websites to enable it track down fake ones.

CAK Director General Francis Wangusi said currently there is a surge in fake news coming up from the suspicious websites.

He said CAK is monitoring the activities of social media so as to pull down sites that were created with the intent to misinform and incite members of the public, noting that members of the public should use social media to share information in a peaceful manner and not for incitement.

“We will not shut down the internet as most Kenyans depend on it for their income,” said Mr Wangusi said. “We are tracking down those misusing social media as we will not allow them to commit c***e and undermine the peace in our country.”

Speaking to the media at a broadcast meeting at a Nairobi hotel yesterday, the Director General said the media is holding the future for millions of Kenyans during this election period and urged them to focus on delivering news that will unite Kenyans.

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chief Executive Officer Ezra Chiloba, in his remarks, announced that the commission will distribute the election materials to the polling centres in the course of this week.

He urged the media houses not to allow narratives that can create animosity amongst the public and advised the journalists to always seek clarity, from relevant authorities, on issues that they do not understand. On the issue of the commission printing excess ballot papers, Chiloba, said there should be no cause of alarm as each ballot paper will be accounted for after elections.

Concerning the relaying of election results, the CEO said media houses will be allowed to access the IEBC public portal and IEBC APA election line so that all media houses can have a uniform data to broadcast to the public.  “The commission and media can secure the outcome and integrity of the elections if we work together” added Mr Chiloba.


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