The regulator blames the price increases to increased landing costs despite global oil prices being low
President Uhuru Kenyatta backed the popular vote in the National Assembly by signing an amendment to the original bill to repeal the tax.
DfID has over the years been channeling UK taxpayers’ money for investment in Africa through its development fund, CDC Group.
Huawei promised to continue fulfilling its obligations to customers and suppliers, and contribute to the global digital economy.
Five board members axed as government moots house cleaning but the script is all to familiar
Since the announcement of the first case of Covid-19 in March, Bamburi has been supporting local vulnerable communities.
The group is seeking a mix of medium term and long term loans
Kittony had been serving on the board after being appointed as a director of the NSE on May 30, 2018
The V19’s dual front camera comprises of a 32MP main camera and an 8MP super wide-angle