Fredrik Lerneryd focuses his series on Spurgeons Academy in Kibera, Kenya, where every Wednesday the classroom becomes a studio, where the pupils learn to dance...
BT CorrespondentLender took to social media to assure its customers that their money is safe after several complaints in recent weeks with some customers...
BT ReporterThe firm says it will run a unique idea developer contest to find the most creative, powerful and useful ideas on media, advertising...
BT ReporterHis nephew, Kitutu Chache South MP Richard Onyonka, said he collapsed in his house at about 4 am on Wednesday and was pronounced dead at the...
BUSINESS TODAYMugambi Mutegi joined the Nation Media Group in January 2010 as a graduate trainee and was later posted to the Business Daily where he...
BT ReporterIts first purpose built office block outside Beijing to have both offices and residential houses
BT ReporterAnthony Wamburu started Stocles Mat Solutions using his personal savings as capital, but is looking for investors or partners to help him expand
BT Correspondent