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TSC to employ interns to counter shortage of teachers

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The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) has revealed plans to employ intern teachers in a move meant to ensure stable supply of tutors and enhance the quality of education. There are about 309,000 trained teachers who are currently unemployed in the country.

Speaking to journalists at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia said the commission is aware of the shortage that is straining the teaching service country wide. “We ask our teachers for patience and creativity in handing this situation as the government works out strategy and interventions including employment of intern teachers to ensure that no child goes without a teacher,” said Dr Macharia.

Currently, the teachers shortage stands at 87,737 with a shortfall of 57,380 teachers in secondary schools and 30,357 in primary. Moreover, the 100% transition to secondary school is occasioned by a shortage of 37,878 teachers in the next three years including this year.

Presently, the transition rate to secondary schools is at 92 per cent implying that at least 949,747 students are in school. Dr Macharia applauded the teachers effort in teaching learners despite the biting shortage in the sector.

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“I want to thank our teachers for stepping up the game despite the high enrollment. We will handle the situation to ensure success and sustainability of the two programs,” she added.

The commission gave out its 2019/18 cases of exam of irregularities while assuring the new Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha of well preparation on this year’s national exams for credible results.

“We had two cases where teachers were dismissed and removed from the TSC die to exam irregularities, we dismissed 13, we suspended 18 and warned 2 teachers a total of 25 as it was handed to us by KNEC. We have five pending cases as the teachers are already in custody,” she noted.

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Brenda Gamonde
Brenda Gamonde
Brenda Gamonde is reporter with Business Today. Email: [email protected]
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