Top World Business Schools: For 17 years Access MBA has been bringing together ambitious professionals and top-ranked and accredited business schools from around the world. In 2021, for the first time ever, the leading provider of personalised business education events will hold an interactive online event in Kenya.
Business professionals and school representatives alike will enjoy a diversity of opportunities to connect on 26 August. Although 2020 was a challenging year for everyone, Access MBA continued to adapt, innovate, and offer high quality services with a personalised focus. Most of the events have moved to an interactive virtual environment, allowing both schools and participants the freedom and convenience to meet from any point in the world.
On 26 August, the online format will offer even more options for participants and schools to meet. Prospective candidates will learn about the best MBA programmes and have one-to-one meetings with admission directors from top schools in the US, UK, Europe and more.
“Despite the uncertainty, students around the globe do not put their education and development plans on hold,” said Mr Christophe Coutat, Founder and CEO of Advent Group, the organiser of Access MBA events. “Those who attend our events leave with a clear vision for their career path. They get valuable information about the different MBA programmes, which instils confidence in their decisions going forward with their studies.”
In 2021 Access MBA will offer even more. After a free registration, prospective candidates can enjoy a variety of event formats to help them get to know the business schools that offer what they are looking for. The event programme features practical test preparation workshops, lively discussions and Q&A sessions, and personalised guidance from education experts.
Each event participant will be carefully pre-matched with business schools and universities that fit their background and preferences. They will learn about different MBA and Executive MBA programmes and have one-to-one meetings with admissions representatives to discuss their opportunities.
On top of the diverse programme and personalised interaction, event participants stand to win a prize. At the end of the Fall 2021 Tour one ambitious professional will be awarded a scholarship worth US$1,000.The selection will be done randomly from all the registered candidates throughout the season.
The MBA degree not only provides an invaluable experience to aspiring leaders but is also held in high esteem in the business world. According to a GMAC 2021 Corporate Recruiters Survey, hiring projections indicate a rebound from 2020. Around 91% of recruiters plan to hire MBAs in 2021, returning to pre-pandemic levels (92%).
MBA hiring projections in key industries like the consulting sector are also exhibiting strength – 95% are planning to hire business school graduates, as opposed to 76% back in 2020. The Access MBA online event offers insights into the MBA admissions process and gives its participants support and guidance throughout their business education journey.
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