Men’s violence against women is a leading cause of premature deaths for women globally, but research in Kenya and other African countries, just...
Women Who Build Africa (WWBA), a community created to convene and support women working in tech across Africa, has announced an open call...
While many may look at women as the weaker sex, female investors actually capture stronger rates of return than their male counterparts.
Most men are usually lost when it comes to dealing with a recoiled wife. Men have such fragile feet when it comes to...
When I first started dating, I believed attraction was an art. A beautiful mosaic that two people painted together, each with their unique...
Research says women who believe in traditional gender roles that men should be breadwinners were more likely to make 'foodie calls'.
Businesses have been urged to have a well looked after their workforces so as to avoid having to choose between human rights and...
According to statistics, Sub-Saharan Africa is losing about $94 billion yearly due to lack of 50:50 gender role in workplaces. Therefore, an organization...
As the world mark Menstrual Hygiene today, it is important to note that men and boys have active roles to play in this...