Power Outage

4 Articles
Kenya Power: Blackouts Hit Nairobi and Kiambu

Planned Power Outage in Various Parts of Nairobi – KPLC

The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) wishes to inform its customers and the public at large about a planned outage that will...

Kenya Power Announces Planned Outage Wednesday

Kenya Power Announces Planned Outage Wednesday

Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) has announced a planned power outage that will affect residential and business customers in some parts of...

Kenya Power Outage

SATIRE: Kenya Power Not Compensating Victims Of Power Outage

A letter shared on social media allegedly from Kenya Power stating that there is compensation for those affected by the recent power outage...

Kenya Power Blackout in Kenya www.businesstoday.co.ke

Another Monkey? Kenya Hit By a Power Blackout

It appeared like a normal blackout until Kenyans across the country started complaining of ‘no power’ on social media.