Kenya Human Rights Commission

3 Articles
Kenya's external debt has increased significantly under President Uhuru Kenyatta. The country's total public debt is at Ksh8.2 trillion or 70 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). [Photo/ Standard]

Kenya’s Debt Contracts – Govt Sued for Keeping Deals Secret

"The overall concern that triggered this litigation is that the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury and Planning continues to borrow in the name of...

The former president was discharged from Nairobi after receiving treatment for two weeks.

Goldenberg Scandal, Political Era Victims’ Injustices Dull Moi’s Send-off

By the time the political conditions made it difficult for Moi to practice detention without trial, he had jailed 19 political dissidents


Explainer: Conditions court imposed on Huduma Namba listing

Even as Kenyans throng Huduma Namba centres ahead of Saturday’s mass registration deadline, the fate of the process is still subject to determination...