Those curious about Samsung’s next big thing may not have to wait much longer. The Korean electronics giant on Monday distributed invitations to a March 1 press event in Barcelona that’s likely to host the debut of Galaxy S6.
The event which coincides with Mobile World Congress is likely to be Samsung’s day who have previously taken advantage of expos of such magnitude to introduce their new gadgets. The timing looks rife because Samsung usually launches its Galaxy phones in Spring. The invite gives snippets about the device which has a curved line as a way of showing display flexibility in the Galaxy arena.
The company is capitalising on positive reviews following the Galaxy Note Edge which has a thin display as one addition to the main front screen. S6 will also debut the new chip after the company ditched Qualcomm chips for its own Exynos processor.
The main concern will be the battery and users will hope the device comes with a reduced battery drain, thanks to a smart new chip that combines GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi all in one. Here’s hoping that means we never again have to use the Ultra Power Saving Mode, then.
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