Ruto’s moment of pride as son admitted to the bar

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Deputy President William Ruto and his wife, Rachel, are proud parents after their first born son, Nick Ruto, was admitted to the bar as an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya.

Nick was among those admitted to practice law by Chief Justice David Maraga at a ceremony in Nairobi on Wednesday. His father, who recently achieved the rare feat of obtaining a PhD in Plant Ecology from the University of Nairobi, was at hand to congratulate him while his mother witnessed the ceremony in person.

His admission came after he successfully completed the Kenya School of Law programme and passed the bar exam.

Controversy has surrounded the exam following mass failures in recent years. For instance, out of 1500 candidates who sat for the exam, only 290 qualified to practice law. This means Nick’s was no mean feat.

Deputy President William Ruto congratulates his son, Nick, on his admission to the bar on Wednesday.

“Hearty congratulations Nick Ruto for being admitted to the Bar. As you begin a career in the legal profession, may you stand true to your calling as a defender of justice, human rights and an avid campaigner for equality and truth,” Dr Ruto later tweeted.

Nick has also already gave indication he is interested in following his father into politics. He is said to be eyeing the Turbo parliamentary seat in 2022.

But he was not the only of Dr Ruto’s children who was basking in glory Wednesday. In Warsaw, Poland, his sister, June Ruto, was receiving Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma.

Many were surprised that she has now risen to the rank Charge D’Affaires with some claiming her appointment was politically influenced.

Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma with June Chepchirchir Ruto, Charge D’Affaires, when she arrived in Warsaw, Poland.

The CS is in Poland to attend the Warsaw Summit which will be looking at security in the Middle East.

“Arrived in Warsaw, Poland this morning to attend the Warsaw Summit which will be looking at security in the Middle East, taking place tomorrow. Was received by June Ruto, Charge D’Affaires,” she tweeted.

It was not immediately clear whether she is stationed in the country as Kenya does not yet have a fully-fledged embassy in Poland.

But at the level of chargée d’affaires (as a female diplomat is referred to), she can head an embassy in the absence of the ambassador and enjoys the same privileges and immunities as a regular ambassador. However, chargés d’affaires are outranked by ambassadors and have lower precedence at formal diplomatic events.

When rumuors first emerged that June, who holds a degree in international communication, had joined the diplomatic service in 2014, officials in the Foreign ministry dismissed them.

Later, it emerged she was holding the senior rank of the second counselor in the Kenyan embassy in Rome, Italy.

Her rise at some point caused discontent among Ruto’s allies, who felt they were not being rewarded for their support.

Even Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula complained the Jubilee administration was dishing out positions to relatives and cronies.


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[…] is, on her part, represented by Charge D’Affaires June Ruto in Warsaw, […]

[…] is, on her part, represented by Charge D’Affaires June Ruto in Warsaw, […]

[…] is, on her part, represented by Charge D’Affaires June Ruto in Warsaw, […]
