Police reforms IG Mutyambai will implement


The third Inspector General Hillary Mutyambai has promised to take on the police reforms that were put in place by his predecessor.

Mr Mutyambai has assured the police officers that during his four year tenure, he will ensure the construction and operation of the National Police Service Referral Hospital.

The construction of the police hospital is what the outgoing IG Joseph Boinnet noted as one of his ‘failure’ during his term.

“One thing I am not happy leaving undone is the matter of building a national police hospital,” said Boinnet.

Under the theme of Enhancing Police Service Delivery at the Grass Root, Mr Mutyambai said he will be keen to transform police stations into a centre of delivery for policing services.

“We will endeavour to build new police stations and renovate old ones to meet modern policing standards and improve the working conditions of our officers,” he said.

[ Read: IG Hillary Mutyambai vows to fight corruption in NPS ]

“Regarding the welfare of police officers I will consult with the National Police Service Commission and also engage the Salary and Renumeration Commission on the issues of house allowances so that our officers can live in decent and affordable houses in our neighborhoods,” he added.

He further pledged effectiveness and efficiency in his administration by completing the harmonizing of the command structure at the ward level.

“I will be keen to implement police service commission information management system which digitizes the current books and case file management system this will enable members of the public to track the process of their complaints and enable us give back feedback and compliments,” he added.

He also promised to give priority to resolution into the police promotion and transfers after consultation with the NPSC.


Written by
Brenda Gamonde -

Brenda Gamonde is reporter with Business Today. Email: [email protected]


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