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How Connectivity Could Create More Jobs and Revenues

High unemployment, especially among the youth, remains one of Kenya’s pressing socioeconomic challenges. Figures from June 2020 show that the pandemic exacerbated this, with...

Flaws In The Certified Managers Bill That Must Be Addressed

For an occupation to become a profession, it must have a common body of knowledge; a certification system of the knowledge; methods of using the knowledge for the public good and mechanisms for enforcing an ethical code of conduct. Notwithstanding these tenets of professionalism, here are critical issues that the mover of the Bill, Hon. Gladys Wanga, needs to address before it becomes law.

How Teachers Stimulated Our C********n Instincts

As a country, this don’t-care attitude that was first natured in schools because of seeking to just pass the exams has come to haunt us as a nation. The end justifies the means thinking has driven Kenyans into unimaginable scales of corruption.

Electric Mobility Could Just Be This Country’s Future

Electric mobility is no doubt growing across the globe. Innovation in this industry has led to the creation of 100% electric vehicles that are...

Kenya And UK Must Cultivate Trade Relations In The Wake Of COVID-19

For over a century, Kenya and the United Kingdom have enjoyed strong ties hinged on trust, enhanced cooperation and mutual benefit across key sectors...

EDITORIAL: To Safeguard Livelihoods, Unlock Sports and Entertainment in Kenya

The stringent measures announced on March 26 by President Uhuru Kenyatta as part of the country's efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 have...

Using Electronic Vouchers to Distribute Relief During Covid-19

BY THOMAS MURAYI, PETER KARAH, and EDWARD OBIKO Electronic vouchers: At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, residents of Kibera, the largest slum of Sub-Saharan...

With Vaccine Deliveries To Accra and Abidjan, The Race For Equity Begins 

Covid-19 vaccine in Africa: Many African countries have expertise in conducting rapid and effective mass vaccination campaigns, often immunizing millions of people in a single week. In 2016, for example, 41,000 health workers and volunteers were recruited and trained to administer yellow fever vaccines to 14 million people in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in just 10 days.
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