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carole kimutai leaves Standard

Former Standard Editor Shares 8 Tricks To Stay Ahead In Media

I have certainly learnt many lessons during my time at the Standard Group. I made lifetime friends, discovered myself and built a foundation...

Joe Munene Standard Group

Limping Standard Group Set To Unveil a New CEO

Standard Group, the publisher of Kenya’s second largest newspaper, is set to unveil a new CEO.

Carole Kimutai

Standard Digital Editor Leaves With a Mixed Six-Year Legacy

Standard Group Digital Editor Carole Kimutai has left the company after six years helming Standard Group's online editions.

Orlando Lyomu

Standard Group Chief Executive Orlando Lyomu Exits

The exit comes barely a fortnight after a crucial board meeting that sealed Lyomu's fate.

Nation Centre - NMG head offices

NMG To Lay Off Editors And Reporters Who Can’t Fit In a Joint Newsroom

NMG is planning to further cut journalists from its payroll, barely six months after laying off a number of employees.

Willis Raburu joined Royal Media Services (RMS) in 2010.

Willis Raburu’s New Path After Quitting Citizen TV

"I have done interviews with sitting Presidents, I have travelled and covered Kenya's maiden entry into war in Somalia, I've read the news,...

NMG - Nation Media Group

NMG Swiftly Fixes Salaries Mixup After BT Report

NMG on Friday moved swiftly to sort a salary processing mix-up that was touching off disquiet in the newsroom, just hours after Business...

Nation Media Group (NMG) headquarters. The government owes media houses in Kenya over Ksh1 billion in pending bills from various advertisements, a situation that has affected media houses' cashflow.

Nation’s Govt Advertising Millions Under Threat

In a tweet laced with expletives, Kuria hinted at stopping government advertising with Kenya's largest media company, stating that they could still advertise...

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