T**usands of retired teachers w** have been waiting for a Ksh42.3 b***ion salary and pension arrears a***d for 17 years got a relief yesterday after the High ***********ed the Teachers Service Commission to release the money immediately. The a***d w*** turn most of the beneficiaries into instant m***ionaires.
Lady Justice Janet Mulwa directed TSC to liaise with Treasury, Controller of Budget, Auditor-General, director of pensions and other relevant offices to settle the debt. Affirmation of the pay arrears complicates the situation for the Treasury, which is also faced with another budget **le following award of a hefty pay increase for teachers earlier this month.
“There is no escaping paying these teachers w** delivered their services to the government for several years,” said Justice Mulwa, adding that the respondents’ employment benefits have been trampled upon by the relevant government bo**** since October 2008.
The judge accused the commission of ‘feet-dragging’ in the matter despite a 2006 High Court judgement that ruled in favour of the retirees. Justice Mulwa’s orders have left the TSC with a Ksh56.3 b***ion budget **le following a *************** order last week compelling it to increase teachers’ pay by 50 to 60% starting August 1.
The Appellate Court told the TSC to increase teachers’ pay until its appeal against Industrial Court judge Nduma Nderi’s judgment that a***ded the tutors the rise is heard and determined. Justice Nderi’s a***d was based on working do***ents that the teachers’ employer had prepared on September 9, 2014 as the tutors prepared for a strike.
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