Kenya to host global education conference

InterswitchSPAK competition gives secondary schools in the 47 counties a chance to nominate their best six Form 3 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) students for the competition.

Kenya will next week host a Pan Africa high-level conference on education in Nairobi. The Conference, which is scheduled for April 25 to 27 under the auspices of UNESCO and African Union, will bring together African Ministers of Education, policy and opinion makers on education from the public and private sector.

The event will gather Ministers of Education from the 54 African countries, as well as UN agencies, NGOs, and high level representatives in the Education sector of African countries, to further discuss, understand and exchange on how the alignment between SDG4 and the Continental Strategy for Education in Africa (CESA) is influencing current agendas, education legislation, policy, plans, financing and monitoring and information systems, as well as devised mechanisms for consultation, coordination, collaboration and reporting.

The Conference is being held at the backdrop of two ground-breaking commitments: Sustainable Development Goals, 2030, and Continental Strategy for Education in Africa 2016-2025 (CESA 16-25), the entire world and Africa committed to realising less than three years ago.

Under Development Goal 4, Governments are obliged to “ensure equitable inclusive quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all”.

In an effort to support the Continent’s development vision, African Countries, under the auspices of the African Union, endorsed CESA 16-25.

It aims at “Reorienting Africa’s education and training systems to meet the knowledge, competencies, skills, innovation, and creativity required to nurture African core values and promote sustainable development at the national, sub-regional and continental levels.”

The three-day conference will feature two days of technical meetings, with panel discussions on education topics, such as inclusive education, digital technologies, girls in STEM, gender equality, and much more.

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The third day will be devoted to a ministerial meeting, where ministers will seek a common approach on the way forward to ensure an inclusive and quality education for all.

They will agree on key recommendations for developing Africa’s human and social capital through an education and skills revolution emphasizing science and technology within the context of the implementation of SDG4 and CESA 2016-2025, to contribute to the realisation of Agenda 2063 for a prosperous and more equitable Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development.

Written by
BT Correspondent -

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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