KBA unveils Inuka na SME online training programme

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The Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) has unveiled the Inuka Na SME online programme to help build capacity for the micro, small and medium sized businesses.

The Inuka na SME initiative includes a capacity building element aimed at training small businesses owners through a web and face-to-face. The curriculum for the training covers elements such as legal aspects, human resources, financial modelling, strategic planning and marketing.

A pilot for the curriculum through the Kenyan Institute of Management is underway to gauge the effectiveness of the model. Following the launch of the programme, KBA with its partners have began training in various towns throughout the country. Business owners are encouraged to also pursue the web modules of the same available via the inuka na SME portal http://www.inukasme.co.ke/.

MSMEs will in the web portal create business profiles that will include capital requirements, their credit scores as well as industry. The SMES will then receive advise on how best to seek these services from the various banks.

The capacity building aspect is particularly important as it allows small businesses to equip themselves with the necessary skills to navigate and seek longevity in their operations.

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For instance, a business owner who attends the capacity buiding training will have a firm understanding of preparation of their financial reports, analysis of the same, understanding of the legal aspects of the business while learning how to navigate the human resources issues that may emerge.

MSMEs will in most cases lack formalised approaches to dealing with such issues. The training will inadvertently eliminate such challenges and set them up for faster and accelerated growth.

Written by
BT Correspondent -

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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