HR Exams Body Announces Date For CHRP Certification Ceremony

HRMPEB graduation ceremony 2022
When you attend the certification ceremony to receive the honour of being publicly recognized as a Certified Human Resource Professional. [ PHOTO: HRMPEB ]

It is fulfilling to finish a project and celebrate the achievement in life, especially when it is a professional certification that may bring a promotion or a pay rise. Being a CHRP (Certified Human Resource Professional) finalist is an end goal of all HR professionals who have taken the path of certifying their careers.

As a HR professional, certification is a milestone that signifies that you have completed the important phase of your career development and now ready to embark on a new journey of fulfillment: to practice and apply the cutting-edge knowledge acquired in the course of study. “CHRP finalists display a spirit of resilience and commitment in pursuit of competence and excellence,” says CHRP Nicholas Kanisa, FIHRM, the secretary and CEO of HRMPEB. “They remain steadfast until the mission has been accomplished.”

HRMPEB (Human Resource Management Professionals Examinations Board) will be holding the fourth certification ceremony on 19th October 2023 at KICC, Nairobi, in line with its core mandate to develop curricula, examine and certify HR professionals.

Why is it important to become CHRP finalist?

CHRP finalists are equipped with relevant skills and competencies for local and global assignments. The CHRP certification is a requirement for practicing human resource profession and is recognized by the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM) for registration as HR practitioner.

In addition, most Ministries, Departments and Agencies have included CHRP in the career progression policies, thus the certification enhances recognition and promotion at the workplace.

Last but not least, the certification is essential for those aspiring to establish a career in HR and those holding administrative positions in government or private organizations for effective decision making on employee matters.

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What’s the difference between the CHRP certification and graduation ceremonies conducted by commercial colleges?

HRMPEB is established by an Act of Parliament in the HRMP Act No. 52 of 2012 to develop curricula, examine and certify HR professionals, Further, it is accredited by the Kenya National Qualification Authority as a Qualification Awarding Institution (QAI). Therefore, certification is the sole and cardinal responsibility of HRMPEB.

What is the process of applying for October 2023 CHRP Certification?

Being a CHRP finalist entails the following steps, which are listed in the following order:

  1. All students who completed their studies are required to visit the official HRMPEB website from September 5, 2023 to check out a provisional list of students who have successfully completed the required exams for certification.
  2. Once you confirm your name on the provisional certification list, you seek clearance by filling the clearance form for examination and finance. You are further required to pay a certification fee of Ksh4,500 to cater for certification expenses.
  3. Your name will be published and gazzeted in the Kenya Gazette, and a copy of the issue shall be issued to all students during the certification ceremony on 19th October 2023.
  4. Subsequently, when you attend the certification ceremony to receive the honour of being publicly recognized as a Certified Human Resource Professional.
  5. Fourteen (14) days after the ceremony, you’ll be issued with a CHRP certificate and transcript.

“HRMPEB is excited to join all CHRP Finalist for the 4th Certification ceremony of Certified Human Resource Professional on 19th October 2023, which is a defining moment in the lives of our finalists,” says CHRP Kanisa, FIHRM.

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Written by

Bill Yaura is a Correspondent for Business Today. He can be reached on email: [email protected]

1 Comment

  • hello,
    have been looking for the provisional list for the upcoming graduation but not seen kindly assist.

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