Glovo Targets Moderate Income Earners With Kibanda Food

Glovo raises more capital www.businesstoday.co.ke
A Glovo rider at work. The company has reported increased sales and cashless payments during the COVID-19 period.

A quick scroll on the Glovo app and there is a new offering that is just a click away for users. The company which is looking at different products that it can add to its product section has just launched Kibanda Xpress, a category that seeks to provide options for the less affluent market as well as lovers of local foods.

Speaking to Business Today in an exclusive interview, Glovo Managing Director for Kenya William Benthall is confident that the new segment will be well received in the Kenyan market adding that the company is mooting adding different products to its portfolio as part of its expansion strategy.

Mr. Benthall said that the company, well aware that it cannot risk the health of its customers says the company has done its background checks on the vibandas it is working with to make sure they have the necessary licenses from authorities and meet hygiene standards.

“Health and safety of our customers is incredibly important. We check the licenses (business and health). We also check the premises to make sure that they are clean,” said Mr. Benthall ” Users can also rate a purchase from the app. If we notice a string of negative reviews regarding any particular restaurant we will terminate our partnership,”

He also made light work of the assumption that pricing might be an issue that could force the company to sell the local foods at prices beyond market rates.

“I don’t really think that it is in their (vibandas) interest to set their prices very high, there is always a balance between maximising your revenues and profits. We have negotiated with these guys and agreed on what the right price for a business partner would be,” he said.

Benthall also talked up protection of minors on the app amid fears amongst parents that children are working around safety checks on various platforms to order alcohol and cigarettes.

“We have mandatory age checks. When you order alcohol you must go through the checks to make sure that you are of legal age to purchase liquor. We then give training to our riders to make sure they don’t sell alcohol to minors,” said Mr. Benthall.

” Glovo supports its riders such that when they see that it is a minor is on the other end of the line they don’t deliver the alcohol. When that happens we ask the riders to bring back the alcohol to the office without inconveniencing their (riders) business,” added Mr. Benthall.

Recently, Glovo launched a service centre and a second operations centre in Westlands which created 75 new jobs. The Spanish company had been running part of the operation from another country before it was decided that Glovo’s growth made it necessary to bring the two centres to Nairobi.

The two centres Benthall says are to make sure that customers and riders are supported and delivery time is cut down to be as low as possible preferably 45 minutes maximum.

Kenya is the first market in Sub-Saharan Africa that the Spanish company entered into. Glovo only operates in Kenya, Morocco and Ivory Coast in Africa.

“The Kenyan market is very important. Sub-Saharan Africa is a big growth area for Glovo. Obviously we saw a lot of potential in the Kenyan market but we are looking to expand we will see another five other African markets very soon,” said the managing director.

The Spanish company is also looking to expand to other towns in Kenya once it is satisfied that the ones it is already operating in; Nairobi, Kitengela, Mombasa, and Kisumu are operating at an optimal

“Our focus right now is to ensure that the cities we are currently operating in are doing well. We are also dedicating more resources to ensure that these operations take off, there are very promising signs so it is really exciting,” added Mr. Benthall.

See Also>>> Glovo to Accelerate Growth with Sh16.7bn Cash injection

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