Everyday Habits of Successful People

Habits of successful people - Edward Mungai
the habit of reading books prepares a person well enough for any challenges or situations they’ll ever face. [ Photo / Today Show ]

Your success in life depends on your habits which are what defines you. Some habits derail you, making it hard for you to grow in life. These are known as bad habits. Habits that help you create a life that’s full of accomplishments are known as good habits.

Successful people spend the best of their time engaging in activities that help them achieve their goals. It’s not that they are perfect, but regardless of their imperfections, they strive to do things that impact them positively. And this begins with their everyday habits. Find out the everyday habits of successful people below:

Reading inspiring books

If you want to succeed, you have to read books. Books contain so much knowledge. There isn’t a stipulated time that you should be reading but make reading a daily habit. Your knowledge will be expanded and this will help you journey towards success. Those who do not read books miss out on several things.

It is worth to note that the habit of reading books prepares a person well enough for any challenges or situations they’ll ever face.  Knowledge is something that you will stay with forever, nobody can ever take it away from you. Always remember that. You will lose everything be it your job, money or possessions, but knowledge is here to stay.

Make health their priority

Every area of your life is affected by what you eat and how much you exercise. Exercise is used by successful people to reset and plan their daily activities so that they achieve their goals and objectives.  Being active is very essential. However, going to the gym is not an indication that someone is healthy, what you eat and drink also contributes a lot to your health.

You might go to the gym daily but you don’t watch what you eat, meaning you are just doing zero work.   There are several CEOs, and celebrities who aren’t fit but they try walking from one place to another. They love movement because they know they can exercise through that. You don’t necessarily have to spend hours at the gym.

Focused and do not compare themselves to others

You might be tempted to compare your progress to other people because their journey to success is likely to be inspiring, but you should use their stories as an inspiration if you don’t want to feel unworthy and stressed. Your journey is your journey and theirs is theirs. You cannot have similar goals. Every one becomes successful at their own stipulated time.

Success is a journey and not a destination. You have to strive and work hard since nothing comes easily. You should, therefore, be focused on your journey and things that make you better as a person rather than comparing yourself with others.

Their stories should just motivate you to keep focusing on your destiny and what you want in life. Know that we’re not the same, each one of us has a different destiny and it’s the effort and amount of work you put in that will help you achieve it. 

Live each day as if it’s their last

Since life is chaotic and busy, we tend to pay much attention to what the future holds and we worry about what’s next. Just as planning is essential, living life to the fullest should be too. There is no stipulated time for the end of life, successful individuals, therefore, live each day like it is their last and make every moment count, so you should too.

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When you dream big, it’s normal to get frustrated at what you are trying to achieve as you might feel you’re not living up to your full potential. However, it is through those big dreams that you will get out of your comfort zone since you will have goals to achieve. You will be on a mission to succeed. You should account for every moment, at least say, “yes I did something valuable today that will change my future, I just didn’t waste time doing nothing” this will motivate you to become better.

Plan their day the night before

Getting off track is easy when you don’t have a plan. Planning your day helps you know and what to accomplish.

Successful individuals spend their time a night before planning what to do the next day. They then wake up early and go through the list and try their best to accomplish what they can. Everything in life won’t go on as planned but you can adjust without losing momentum. 

Rethink about your life, where you want to be and what you want to achieve. Note them down and plan on how you’re going to make them work out. Start your day with a different agenda and make sure it becomes successful! That’s what successful people do.

 Concluding thoughts

Success is a journey and nothing comes on a silver platter. You have to work hard and not fear failure.  Achieving your goals means you have to get out of your comfort zone and sacrifice a lot. Your daily habits are the only things that will guide you in this journey, form the habits above and trust me sooner or later you will see your efforts bearing fruits.

Next >> Seven Lifestyle Changes You Must Make to Be Successful in Life

Written by

Edward Mungai is the founder of Inspire Leadership, which focuses on unlocking people’s potential, a published author, and one of the most influential leaders in personal growth and leadership in Africa.


  • My fourth-grade teacher used to endlessly encourage us to read, more than pushing us to get better grades. It became a habit that I passed on to my children when they were second-graders. If there is one habit that doesn’t destroy a person in any way, it is reading.

    • Thanks for such incredible article🌱,however my great challenge is on reading, how does one keep the knowledge after reading and benefit from it. I enjoy reading yes but I forget within a very short time. What can be my problem and how can I solve this. I will be grateful for an advice please.

      • I think the best way to improve on retaining the knowledge you get from books is noting down key points of what you study or read. Make sure you have a Notebook and pen with you as you go through articles, novels or other useful materials. Then be going through your notebook during your free time.

  • dfghjkertgyhk
  • dfghjkertgyhk
  • dfghjkertgyhk
    • With internet and globalisation acquiring these books is easier than two or three decades ago. There is web books, YouTube, google, google scholar and so on. The first step would be identifying the areas that you have interest in. Google, search for the topics on YouTube and other platforms. Throughout that you’ll start meeting different authors and resource-persons. Try it today

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