The Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) process will proceed to the next stage. This is after the bill on Tuesday, February 23 secured the requisite minimum of 24 county assemblies’ approval.
The threshold was crossed during the “BBI Super Tuesday” when several counties were to vote on the bill.
Some of the counties which gave the document a green light include Murang’a, Bungoma, Kitui, Taita Taveta, Narok , Nyeri, Mombasa, Machakos, and Kakamega.
So far only Baringo County has unanimously rejected the BBI bill.
The bill will now move to Parliament where a vote will be taken before Kenyans get to vote on the proposals in a referendum.
According to the BBI Secretariat’s schedule, the Parliamentary stage will be concluded by the end of April.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission had released a statement saying 3,188,001 Kenyans’ signatures were verified to support the BBI.
Only one voter rejected the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill, 2020, according to the IEBC statement.
“A hearty congratulations to the Members of Kirinyaga County Assembly for passing the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2020- BBI. Kirinyaga tumetia sahihi! We stand counted at this moment for putting our people’s needs ahead of politics. BBI train is unstoppable.” tweeted Ann Waiguru as Kirinyaga county passed the bill.
Martha Karua came out and urged Kenyans to reject the BBI. She said that Kenyans should remember that the elected leaders and civil servants drumming support for the BBI are less than three thousand while Kenyanvoters are over 19 million.
“We must reject intimidation and fear-mongering and exercise judgment,” said Martha Karua.
Although ODM leader Raila Odinga had rubbished claims that President Uhuru and Him are bribing MCA with the kSH. 2 Million car grant to approve the BBI, a section of Kenyans believe that the MCAs passed the bill just to have access to the funds.
“well done, but the question is will the government manage to bribe 47 Million Kenyans to vote for the BBI as it has done for MCAs?” said Bwana Jimbi in a tweet.
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