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Samson Osero is Human Resource Development Consultant and Author of 'Transition into Retirement'. My personal email is: [email protected]

56 Articles
PSC HR Guidelines

7 Things Wrong With PSC’s New HR Guidelines For State Corporations And Universities

Recently, the PSC issued new HR guidelines for State Corporations (SC) and public universities (PU) in an effort to streamline administration and enhance...

Barizi platform that gives casual workers access to credit

Platform That Empowers Casual Workers Financially

The Barizi platform is designed to leverage cloud technology while allowing casual workers to access their wages in real-time.

NSE Listed Companies HR Audit

Make HR Audit Reports Mandatory For NSE Listed Companies

Mandating HR audit reports to be presented at AGMs by independent HR firms would introduce a new level of transparency and accountability for...

globally competitive HR professionals

How We Can Make Kenyan HR Professionals Globally Competitive

To gain a competitive edge when seeking international opportunities, potential candidates require exposure to global HR practices.

HR certification in Kenya

Debate On International Certification For HR Professionals Rages On

While Nicholas Kanisa seeks to promote the local certification, he does so at the expense of dismissing the potential benefits of foreign certifications...

HR Professionals

Retooling HR Professionals In This Highly Dynamic World

To thrive in this rapidly transforming job market, HR Professionals need to develop diverse skills sets that can be readily applied in different...

HR professional examinations

Five Reasons HR Professionals Need Foreign Certification

R professionals who continuously enhance their skills and knowledge will stand out in the competitive arena. One effective way to achieve this is...

how to retire with a house

Follow These Practical Steps To Retire With Your Own House

Renting a house can become financially burdensome after retirement. Without a regular source of income, it can be difficult to keep up with...