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J.P. Monfort has earned graduate degrees in telecommunications engineering (Politécnica de Madrid, Télécom ParisTech and Universität Stuttgart), business administration (Collège des Ingénieurs), financial analysis (Carlos III), financial engineering (California-Berkeley), economic development (The London School of Economics), public administration (Columbia), international law (Georgetown-in progress) Religious Studies (University of Chicago-admitted), public health (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-admitted) and poverty reduction (SOAS-admitted). He has been a columnist for The Huffington Post and Roubini Global Economics and speaks eight languages. He is the Author of Wiley's TheMonfortPlan and is currently working on his second book " Fiction States ". He currently lives in the Balkans.

1 Articles

A way out of Kenya’s political impasse

I have created an alternative governance politics for twenty-first century: post-politics, now available in Kenya for all Kenyans to embrace, and enjoy