The day you start saving is the day your mother will need a loan, your car will need new tires. Something always comes...
The pensions industry grown significantly with the number of members increasing from 0.7 million in 2010 to 3 million as of December 2019.
People have had to adjust financially to the new environment, thereby affecting their long-term and short-term investments goals.
According to the World Bank, approximately 56.0% of the Kenyan urban population live in slums and poor quality housing in rural areas.
When going for an off-plan property, the experience, and expertise of a developer are paramount. Most importantly, conduct due diligence.
The government has the largest role to play in helping navigate the economy through this pandemic in conjunction with the Central Bank.
Based on the impact on other economies, coronavirus may have a 10.0% to 25.0% impact on GDP growth for the year 2020.