Daily Inspiration: Feel like quitting? Success is one step away


If you feel like quitting, that’s great. It means you’re intensely involved. Go ahead and feel like quitting. Just don’t actually do it.

Instead, experience the power in that feeling. That’s your power. With it you can do amazing things. What a waste it would be to walk away from it.

Imagine feeling like quitting, and then not quitting. That’s what success feels like. You know that because you’ve done it before. You’ve felt it before. When you feel like quitting, and then you don’t, and then you break through and get the job done, and get it done very well, that is truly a great feeling.

And when you feel like quitting, you’re almost there. There’s just one more step to go.

And what if you actually do quit? Then you feel freedom for a minute or two. After that, you feel regret forever. Don’t fight the feeling when you feel like quitting. It will most assuredly fight back even stronger, turning your own strength against you.

So here’s an idea. Choose to direct all that strength in your favour. Turn the tables on your feeling of feeling like quitting. Graciously welcome that feeling and then with a gleeful mischievousness, use its considerable power to get yourself going, stronger than ever.

Get the last laugh. Get the value. Get the accomplishment. Get the fulfillment.

Feel like quitting, and then keep going. Truly meaningful success is right around the next corner.

Written by

Managing Editor, BUSINESS TODAY. Email: [email protected]. ke

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