Five Reasons You Should Quit Your Job And Become a Teacher

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Ignore the ‘solidarity forever’ hymns or meager salaries in the industry. Several career researches have shown that teaching is the noblest professions on earth that anyone would crave for.

Human beings are naturally educators and caretakers; that enough is a step into being the best teacher in your hood. The joy that comes with seeing a child achieve his dreams is worth it and more than the exhaustion to see it through.

Here now are the reasons why you should consider teaching: –

1.To encourage your children to dream big – Everyone has a role to play in life. To make your kids know the importance of education and the thereafter life. Through teaching, you would be able to impact this directly into their lives, sharing the greatest stories with them. Through this, your son or student may want to be a Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates. The time is now!

2.To be one caring adult in a child’s TEACHINGlife – It is difficult to gauge how caring someone can be. But a teacher, whom you trust with your children for 85 per cent of a year, is overwhelmingly caring. Offering the knowledge to someone’s daughter and seeing them through the most difficult times of their education is really inspiring. Consider teaching folks.

3.To be a student for life – No profession, other that teaching offers you a platform to learn a variety of things each day. You have to read books before you relay the information to your children. It is all about learning, learning and more learning. You would stay ever informed and knowledgeable.

4.To experience the joy of working with kids everyday – Ever been in a heated exchange with a fellow at work? Or simply commanding instructions to people of your age that would probably take a year to listen? Well, in teaching, the joy is remarkable. Your company is the ever-jovial ones who would ask you anything on earth. From ‘why the sky is blue to children are made.’ Isn’t it interesting enough?

5.To be the best object of comparison – “I want to be like Teacher Joe,” my neighbour’s kid told me. With no idea that I did not even know the teacher in the first place. Teaching comes with a opportunity to make you a ‘god’ of some nature because children value you more than they do to a Newspaper Correspondent. This is the job.

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The writer, a correspondent with Business Today, is a football commentator and finds the money factor in the game. Email him at: [email protected]
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