5 Foods to Help You Control Your Blood Sugar Levels

Foods recommended for diabetes patients.

November 14th is World Diabetes Day, a day to raise awareness for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This year’s theme is The Nurse and Diabetes.

When managing diabetes and prediabetes, the eating plan is a powerful tool. What you eat is closely connected to the amount of sugar in your blood. The right food choices will help you control your blood sugar level.

Below are foods that can help control your blood sugar levels:

High Fiber Carbohydrates

Foods that are rich in fibre can help you feel full for longer, preventing hunger pangs that might lead to snacking on foods that will spike high blood sugar.


The egg is one of the most nutritious foods which are full of proteins. The protein will help keep you full without affecting your blood sugar. Protein not only slows digestion, but it also slows glucose absorption. This is very helpful if you have diabetes.

Pumpkin and Pumpkin Seeds

Brightly colored and packed with fibre and antioxidants, pumpkin is a great choice for blood sugar regulation. In fact, pumpkin is used as a traditional diabetic remedy in many countries.

Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils are rich in nutrients, such as magnesium, fiber, and protein, that can help lower blood sugar. 

Leafy Greens

Green vegetables are highly nutritious and have very low digestible carbs. Therefore, eating leafy greens is highly recommended for diabetics as they maintain blood sugar levels.  

Chia seeds

Eating chia seeds may help benefit blood sugar control. Studies have linked chia seed consumption to reductions in blood sugar levels and improvements in insulin sensitivity.

See Also>>>>> Experts Say Camel Milk Could Help Conquer Malnutrition, Diabetes

Written by

The writer, Lucy Chege is a registered and licensed nutritionist based in Kenya, proficient in medical nutrition therapy. She is the founder of Nutrition Therapy by Lucy.

1 Comment

  • Good evening. I was diagnosed with diabetes about 2 months ago. When my sugars are high I sweat, shake and my heart beats very fast and I start shaking and legs shake, very terrible and worrying experience. I would like to get advice on what to eat to lower the sugars. Thanks

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