After a year-long court battle, Equity Bank has been given the gp-ahead to roll out its thin Sim technology. A suit filed by businessman Bernard Murage opposing the technology was dismissed by the High Court Thursday.
Mr Murage had argued that Equity Bank had not given proper assurance to its clients concerning the safety of their personal data. However, High Court Judge Isaac Lenaola ruled that since the Communication Authority and Central Bank of Kenya had approved the roll-out, the court has no reason to interfere “with the merit of a decision clearly falling within the relevant statutory agency without allegations of any irregularities on its part.”
Last year, Communication Authority of Kenya allowed Equity Bank, through its subsidiary, Finserve Africa Ltd, to implement the new technology but on one-year trial basis. But a number of cases filed by individuals and organisations have been stalling the roll-out.
“I am convinced to find that the alleged innovation will enhance competition in the provision of services and will be beneficial to those who subscribe to it. I therefore do not see why this court should intervene and block the roll out of the technology, the subject of this petition,” Mr Justice Lenaola added.
The new SIM card is paper-thin and carries an embedded chip. Users overlay it on their primary SIM regardless of their network and can then use services from two providers, thus increasing competition.
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