This where matters investment and Personal finance are taken care of. Enjoy tips and information you can use to better your financial life. But always remember to seek expert advise after reading our articles as they are for information purposes only.
Co-operative Bank of Kenya has received a seven-year long-term funding facility of Ksh14 billion (100 million US Dollars) from a DEG consortium of...
KALU MENGOThe global rating agency, Fitch Ratings, on 20th June 2023, affirmed the Afreximbank long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at BBB, with a stable...
BT CorrespondentForex Bureaus were established in Kenya in 1995 by the Central Bank of Kenya under the CBK Act Section 33K provisions to encourage...
JUSTUS KIPRONOKenya inflation rate: Most Kenyans continue to grapple with the high cost of living in the face of sharp increases in the prices...
JUSTUS KIPRONOKBA says Knowledge on how to handle their finances in an effective way of building a resilient and prosperous nation.
BT ReporterZimele Pension Plans To Receive Tier II NSSF Contributions
KALU MENGOKenya is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. According to Prof Njuguna Ndung’u, Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury, the latest...
Alex KennedyThe Kenyan economy is likely to decelerate towards the end of the year due to the erosion of household purchasing power, the lack...
BT Reporter