At first glance, it does not command much attention. This shrub-like tree with thin long branches and tiny dark green leaves is very much like an inconsequential thorn tree. But Moringa Oleifera is not your everyday tree or herb.
Its attributes are being sung from the village to the shelves of some international supermarkets where demand for it is high. Some have re-christened it,‘The Miracle Tree’, while others term it ‘God’s Pharmacy’ for its claimed ability to meet most nutritional needs, its medical properties, ability to purify drinking water or as protein- rich cattle fodder. Its uses traverse the pharmaceutical, food and beauty industry.
Researchers and scientists have lavishly described it as the most nutrient-rich plant ever discovered on earth. Records show that its use dates back to 150BC. Indians, Egyptians and Greeks used it to protect skin, make perfume, and purify drinking water.
In recent years, scientists have been carrying out experiments to determine the degree of efficacy of this wonder tree that is said to cure some life-threatening ailments.
A number of humanitarian organisations have also been promoting the use of Moringa in poverty-stricken areas to combat malnutrition. The tree is said to contain more calcium than milk, more Vitamin A than carrots, more Vitamin C than oranges, more iron than spinach or red raspberry leaves, more potassium than bananas and apples, and more protein than eggs or milk. It is also considered to have the highest protein ratio of any plant so far identified.
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With its protein being comparable in quality to that of soya bean but better than the former since its protein is non-allergic. Every part of Moringa is of use; from the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, pods, seeds, shoots and bark. It can grow in almost any soil, and the first harvest is eight months after planting, with no serious pests or diseases known to attack it.
Research conducted by highly reputable medical, science, and health institutions suggests that it possesses numerous therapeutic properties. The institutions include John Hopkins School of Medicine, the World Health Organisation, the Centre for Disease Control, and the National Institutes of Health.
Though the Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri) is yet to make public its findings on medical experiments of Moringa, there are many who attest to its healing and nutritional properties. They include Ms Elizabeth Mbogo Mwenda and her husband Collins.
“My daughter Makena was born in 2007 weighing 2.8 kilos and I was worried because I could not produce enough milk to breastfeed her,” she says.
Her husband sought advice from farmers he encountered in his work as an agronomist. One farmer who had planted Moringa recommended it for mothers who could not produce enough milk. She was instructed to take the Moringa leaves as vegetables and also the leaf powder in form of beverage or sauce.
A few days into taking her prescribed diet, her milk production improved. “I was stunned by the discovery and set out to help other mothers with similar problems. I researched on Moringa only to discover that it has many benefits,” she says. The Kenyatta University-trained nutritionist later quit her job in the film industry to start selling Moringa products. (Smart Farmer Magazine)
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